With AWS CLI version 2:
1 | 𝜆 aws --version |
Encrypt with AWS KMS key:
1 | 𝜆 aws kms encrypt --profile personal \ |
Decrypt with AWS KMS key:
1 | 𝜆 echo "AQICAHjbJrIPgME ... lILuBSUdA==" | base64 -D | \ |
With AWS CLI version 2:
1 | 𝜆 aws --version |
Encrypt with AWS KMS key:
1 | 𝜆 aws kms encrypt --profile personal \ |
Decrypt with AWS KMS key:
1 | 𝜆 echo "AQICAHjbJrIPgME ... lILuBSUdA==" | base64 -D | \ |
RAD (Rapid Application Development) of a Serverless application “Notification Service” on modern technologies, e.g. AWS CDK
, AWS Step Functions
, TypeScript
, VS Code
, Open API Top Down Design and Test Driven Development, in order to rapidly build a prototype, or a POC, verify and test some technologies and approaches.
Request Handler => Step Functions (orchestration for Lambda functions, represents a single centralized executable business process, outsources low level operations like retry / exception catch and handle. Another choice is SNS) => Service Providers
Have experienced of Terraform
, Serverless
… now this time based on code over configuration principle, what you get is flexibility, predictability and more control. You focus on code you tell the tools what steps it has to complete directly. At the end of day, it is a simple matter of separation of concerns and single responsibility principle.
• VS Code
for API Spec editing
• Postman
API, Environment and Mock server, for QA team, then switch to real service in DEV/TEST environment
1 | 𝜆 npm run openapi |
• openapi-generator
generates model classes; typescript-json-validator
generates JSON Schema and validator
1 | 𝜆 openapi-generator generate -g typescript-node -i Notification\ API\ openapi.json -o Notification\ API\ generated |
• Onboard on Kong / API Manager, https://konghq.com/kong/
, is based on CloudFormation but abstract layer on the top of it. It can generates CloudFormation template file template.yaml
1 | 𝜆 cdk synth --no-staging > template.yaml |
• Demo of local run and debug lambda, with background TSC watch process
1 | 𝜆 npm run watch |
Data validation to make data integrity unbreachable will take a lot time.
framework and performance benchmark, https://github.com/ebdrup/json-schema-benchmark
• Code lint with eslint
and prettier
and automatically correction
• Code commit rule enforcement
• Change code and deploy AWS stack by CDK
1 | 𝜆 cdk deploy --require-approval never --profile dev-cicd |
• Behavior Driven Test Framework Jest, https://github.com/facebook/jest, 2x / 3x faster than Karma, with code coverage, easy mocking
1 | 𝜆 npm t |
• Automatically generate application changelog and release notes
1 | 𝜆 npm run release:minor |
• Automatically generate application document
1 | 𝜆 npm run docs |
• AWS resources created by CDK
• Not Mono Repo app, which multiple projects all under one giant Repo
• ONE AWS Layers
put all dependent NPM libs and shared code into; size of Lambda functions, readability
• AWS EventBridge
tro trigger and send event to Request Handler, for scheduling task
• Health Check, with Service Monitoring Dashboard, verify dependencies at the endpoints, keep Lambda warming up
1 | 𝜆 curl https://c81234xdae8w1a9.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/health |
Cloud computing and Serverless architecture let developers in fast lane for Application Development. Right now, there are so many low hanging fruit to pick up.
As developers, we should not always think about our comfort zone, we need to think about people who take over your work, think about BAU team to support the application. The codebase is not about you, but about the value that your code brings to others, and the organization that you work for.
Fix our destructive and throwaway economy, save our planet by making products both repairable, durable, environmentally friendly, and by defending our Right to Repair.
This is my second video created and composed by Apple Final Cut Pro X - Why Repairable Is Important https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSmFI6J7eRo
My first published video, created by Apple Final Cut Pro, on YouTube for official channel title Bring back MagSafe regard to solution that bring one of the most innovative design from Apple, back to MacBook Pro, iPad … and Android phones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvkJR4Y0FK0
WSKEN SHARK X4 TYPE-C TO TYPE-C PD 100W QUICK CHARGE MAGNETIC CABLE: http://wsken.my/WSKEN-Shark-X4-Type-C-To-Type-C-PD-100W-Quick-Charge-Magnetic-Cable
WSKEN SHARK X5 TYPE-C 5A QUICK CHARGE MAGNETIC CABLE: http://wsken.my/WSKEN-Shark-X5-Type-C-5A-Quick-Charge-Magnetic-Cable
WSKEN Official Store on AliExpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/3018058
Consider a full development and deployment cycle, and the potential risks involved during the different stages in CDP (CI / Continuous Integration, CD / Continuous Delivery, CDP / Continuous Deployment):
Role | Details |
Stakeholders | Individual Developer |
Pair Programming Mentor | |
DBA | |
Security Team | |
Failure Points | Logic flaws |
Security flaws | |
Code standards issues | |
Safeguards | Test Driven Development |
Red/Green/Refactor | |
Linting tools | |
Testing Docker containers | |
Pair programming | |
Query analysis | |
Static code analysis |
Role | Details |
Stakeholders | Security Team Member for sign-off |
Engineering Team Lead for sign-off | |
Failure Points | Force pushes |
Merge conflicts | |
Safeguards | Master branch protections |
3 member sign-off before master merge | |
Commit hooks |
Role | Details |
Stakeholders | Individual Developer |
QA Team | |
Failure Points | Broken tests |
Stale tests | |
False positive tests | |
Safeguards | Weekly failure testing triage meeting to catch broken tests |
Daily cron runs of test suite against mock prod environment |
Role | Details |
Stakeholders | SysOps Team |
Individual Developers | |
Support Team | |
Customers | |
Failure Points | Broken deployments |
Dropped customer traffic | |
Safeguards | Blue/Green deployment |
Traffic re-routing | |
Pre deployment spare instance warmup | |
Communicate out to support in order to verify proper staffing levels |
Role | Details |
Stakeholders | Security Team |
SysOps Team | |
Engineering Teams | |
Support Team | |
Customers | |
Failure Points | High resource usage |
Slow queries | |
Malicious actors | |
MProvider downtime | |
Safeguards | Communicate out to support for new feature awareness and appropriate categories for issues regarding the component |
System resource alarms for various metrics and slow DB log alerts | |
Instant maintenance page switchover capabilities | |
Status page on redundant providers | |
Application firewalls | |
Database replicas |
The interface of Metrics in AWS CloudWatch console:
The URL:
1 | https://ap-southeast-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home?region=ap-southeast-2#metricsV2:graph=~(metrics~(~(~'AWS*2fRoute53Resolver~'InboundQueryVolume)~(~'.~'OutboundQueryVolume))~view~'timeSeries~stacked~false~region~'ap-southeast-2~stat~'Sum~period~86400~start~'-P28D~end~'P0D);query=~'*7bAWS*2fRoute53Resolver*7d |
Metrics source:
1 | { |
This is a simple Lambda with REST API and SNS enabled. Firstly, have a look the Nodejs script:
AWS SAM template yaml file:
Generate AWS CloudFormation yaml file and package / zip / create an artefact (need to create AWS S3 bucket hello-world-tub
in advance):
1 | 𝜆 sam package --profile personal --template-file template.yml --output-template-file cloudFormation.yml --s3-bucket hello-sam-tub |
Can also create artefact file with zip
command, and upload zip file into AWS S3 bucket:
1 | 𝜆 zip hello-sam.zip README.md index.js template.yml |
What AWS CloudFormation yaml file looks like:
Deploy application’s AWS CloudFormation stack with AWS SAM command:
1 | 𝜆 sam deploy --profile personal --template-file cloudFormation.yml --stack-name hello-sam --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM |
NOTE: The --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
option is necessary to authorise your stack to create IAM roles, which SAM applications do by default.
After application deployed, user subscribes notification will receive email titled - AWS Notification - Subscription Confirmation After confirmation, user will receive an email every time API is invoked.
Now log on AWS Console, have a look the resources this Lambda application used in CloudFormation, S3 Bucket, Lambda, IAM, SNS, CloudWatch, API Gateway.
After this Lambda application successfully deployed into AWS, you will receive an email asking whether you want to subscribe the SNS topic. You can also unsubscribe the SNS topic. You can manually test Lambda function in AWS Console.
2019 年是过去十年中最差的一年,但或许会是未来十年中最好的一年。
图 1:这不是传说,这是 reality.
1 月 24 日,有自媒体发出证监会人事变动的“虚假”消息,引起关注。中国证监会有关人士指出,自媒体不是法外之地,对于不负责任的虚假信息传播,应当依法依规处理。
1 月 26 日,中国官方宣布负责股市监管的中国证监会主席换人。三年前在中国股市遭遇“灾难性重创”的背景下接班的刘士余结束任期,其职务由中国另一国有银行工商银行董事长易会满接任。
老刘的这张配图,是在 salute 中国证监会,还是中国股民?
“问君能有几多愁,恰似满仓中石油。如若当初没割肉,而今想来愁更愁。” 这是 8 月 26 日新闻头条。中石油股价收于 6.02 元,刷新历史新低。中石油股价最高时 48 元,上市 12 年,蒸发了 7 万亿,从市值一哥到“套牢第一股”。7 万亿相当于跌掉 1 个苹果,或 2 个俄罗斯股市的总市值。
“我有无数次骑上大牛,结果半路被吓跑了。 然后看着人家一飞冲天,想大哭都没有眼泪。 我真想把自己的贱手给砍掉。”
“我有无数次踩上大屎,结果硬挺在那几年。 然后等着分红一毛无有,想上访都没有胆子。 我真想把自己的脚也给砍掉。”
图 2:Hayne’s Report.
2 月 The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Final Report, lead by Keith Hayne published. 导致土澳经济支柱产业四大银行中三个的 CEO 先后在今年中被迫辞职。
图 3:超乎想像的宇宙。
4 月,人类有史以来获得的首张黑洞照片。位于处女座中的 M87 的超大质量黑洞距离我们大约 5500 万光年。其质量之大约合 66 亿个太阳。
图 4:I believe in miracles.
大选前一个月,各项民意调查都 tip Labor win the election. Sportsbets back Labor win at odds of $1.16, Coalition $5.80. Labor 竞选团队在全国各地拉票讲演时也是踌躇满志,势在必赢。星期六竞选日早上,“主流” TV & newspapers 还预测 Labor’s landslide win。但选举最终在 Coalition 戏剧性的大逆转中结束。
民意调查机构不得不承认自己吹嘘的 Machine Learning / AI 只是骗人的小把戏。Sportsbet 赔了 $5.2m on its costly error。“主流”媒体也不得不扇自己的脸,radical political idiosyncrasy and elitism bias 根本做不了三个代表。
Monash University professor Andrew Markus said Australians usually nominated jobs, the economy and financial security as their top concerns and may have recoiled from Labor’s sweeping plans for tax revenue increases.
“If there’s a danger that your agenda challenges those economic factors, you’re on pretty rocky ground.”
Now quiet Australians are heard loud and clear.
The swing to the Liberals suggested voters were sceptical of policies to raise $56 billion from changes to dividend rules, $32 billion from negative gearing and $30 billion over a decade from superannuation.
“What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.” Here is the wisdom from Adrian Rogers.
Wasn’t it Labor shadow treasurer Mr. Chris Bowen who said “if you do t like us taking away your franking credits then don’t vote for Labor” before the election?
Well, Mr. Bowen, thank you for your invitation!
图 5:Eluid Kipchoge.
10 月 12 日,34 岁的肯尼亚人,马拉松世界纪录保持者 Eluid Kipchoge,在“世界音乐之都”奥地利首都维也纳,向全程马拉松 Breaking 2 “破二”的宏伟目标发起个人职业生涯的第二度冲击。这是人类跨越马拉松新里程碑的历史性一刻。马拉松突破人类 2 小时大关。
1 小时 59 分 40 秒 In perspective, 想象一下,Eluid Kipchoge just runs every 100 meters in 17s, for two hours. 17 frigging seconds!
图 6:Reserve Bank Australia cuts interest rates to historic low.
Central bank is literally behind the curve. More ominously, it’s an indication that asset bubbles are poised to burst, just like the Fed’s first interest rate cut warned directly ahead of both the tech bust and GFC.
图 7:Dow 28000.
In November, another historical moment, Dow closes above 28,000. From 27,000 to 28,000, get there just in 90 trading days.
全球的股市可以说气势如虹。美国股市的市值和 GDP 比值已经超过了 150%,超越了 2000 年互联网泡沫和 2007 年房地产泡沫顶峰时期的估值。
房地产市场同样是高歌猛进。美国的房地已经超过了 2007 年顶峰 20% 的水平了。不管从什么指标衡量,一批指标都显示当前资本市场的估值都已经超过了 2007 年,这是个巨大的泡沫。
有人预测明年 2020 年将是次贷危机以来最难的一年。但因为似乎好像每经过一年都是过去 10 年中最难的一年,全球经济再也没有回到过快速增长的快车道上,所以明年才是刚开始,未来十年才是最艰难的。
目前债务杠杆超过了 250%。全球各国央行以零利率和负利率维持。在这种情形下,必然导致股市和房地产市场泡沫。
一旦这两个泡沫破灭,实体经济也必然会受到影响。从 400 多年的经济史中可以得出的结论就是市场规律可以推迟,但从未缺席。
图 8:Home grown farm.
以农补工。经济不景气,投资回报低,肉类,生蔬和水果价格居高临下的环境中依靠 home grown,家中盆栽的杏,苹果和橄榄弥补减少的收入,扶持增大的开销。
图 9:Year in sports - Personal Best.
创记录的一年。跑动距离(包括跑步和网球)达到 1300+ 公里,相当于从北京跑到上海。Climbing 14,652m,相当于攀登了 1.7 个珠穆朗玛峰的高度。
不因岁月裹步不前,不因磨难放弃梦想,不因极限停止前进。A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Keep running!
Second try with AWS EKS on Fargate. This time with eksctl
Create EKS cluster:
1 | 𝜆 eksctl create cluster --name sandpit --version 1.14 --region us-east-2 --fargate |
Create and add EKS mansged node group:
1 | 𝜆 eksctl create nodegroup --cluster sandpit --name workers --node-type t3a.medium --ssh-access --ssh-public-key aws-us-key --managed |
Install Kubernetes Dashboard in Kubernetes cluster:
1 | 𝜆 kubectl get services --all-namespaces |
Connect Kubernetes Dashboard via proxy:
1 | 𝜆 cat .kube/config |
Choose Token, paste the token output from the previous command into the Token field, and choose SIGN IN.
With AWS managed nodes, on Node EC2 Instance:
Deploy first Docker application react-typescript
, from Docker Hub https://hub.docker.com/r/jtech/react-typescript, into Kubernetes.
1 | 𝜆 kubectl run react-typescript --image=jtech/react-typescript --port 3000 |
Expose service:
1 | 𝜆 kubectl expose deployment react-typescript --type="NodePort" |
Run kubectl proxy
and connect to react-typscript
application on URL: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/services/http:react-typescript:3000/proxy/
, a simple CLI tool for creating clusters on Amazon’s new managed Kubernetes service for EC2 - EKS. Written in Go, uses CloudFormation, https://eksctl.io/After AWS EKS for Fargate annouced in Re:Invent 2019 - Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate Now Generally Available, I have a quick spin.
General configuration:
Fargate profile configuration:
Fargate roles:
role has AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
and AmazonEKSServicePolicy
role has AmazonEKSFargatePodExecutionRolePolicy
, and Trust relationships:
1 | { |
role has AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
, AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy
, AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly
, and Trust relationships:
1 | { |
Namespace for Fargate profile Pod Selectors is default
Subnets for Fargate, including private subnets (subnet without Internet Gateway):