Bondi Beach in Upscayl
Bondi Beach original
Bondi Beach upscayled
Young Girl in Upscayl
Young Girl original
Young Girl upscayled
- Upscayl - AI Image Upscaler,
Bondi Beach in Upscayl
Bondi Beach original
Bondi Beach upscayled
Young Girl in Upscayl
Young Girl original
Young Girl upscayled
Want to run OpenSSH
Server on Windows e.g. Windows 10. From Windows 10, it natively supports OpenSSH
NOTE: The beta and nightly build of OpenSSH
Server for Windows have a lot of runtime issues.
Check OpenSSH
1 | PS C:\ProgramData\ssh> Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object Name -like 'OpenSSH*' |
Install the missing OpenSSH
1 | PS C:\ProgramData\ssh> Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~ |
Check OpenSSH
for Windows version, check Windows Operating System version:
1 | PS C:\ProgramData\ssh> ((Get-Item (Get-Command sshd).Source).VersionInfo.FileVersion) |
Check Windows Domain information:
1 | PS C:\ProgramData\ssh> dsregcmd /status |
Check OpenSSH
Server for Windows run as a service:
Make sure OpenSSH SSH Server firewall inbound rule allows ALL profiles:
The default C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config
file doesn’t work for Windows Domain users authentication, and does’t support .ssh\authorized_keys
public key authentication. Error lookup_principal_name: User principal name lokup failed for user ‘corp\darling’ in OpenSSH
Server C:\ProgramData\ssh\logs\ssd
log file. A work around solution is to comment out lines:
1 | #Match Group administrators |
A complete sshd_config
example file:
1 | # This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See |
Now run ssh client and log on SSH Server:
1 | sshpass -f ~/.ssh/windows.passwd ssh -l darling windows.local |
Host windows.local
has VPN connection which is granted with git repository.
1 | ssh-copy-id -i darling@windows.local |
If PasswordAuthentication
is enforced, and pubilc key authentication
in SSH Server is not supported, try:
1 | sshpass -f ~/.ssh/windows.passwd ssh -D 3128 -q -C -N -f darling@windows.local |
with Sock/Socks5 proxy1 | git config http.proxy 'socks5://localhost:3128' |
Then can access git repository via proxy both on command line and in UI client.
NOTE: Some SSH Server doesn’t allow public key authentication. Then sshpass
is a friend here for you.
Install sshpass
in MacOS:
1 | brew install esolitos/ipa/sshpass |
Test sshpass
1 | $ ssh -oProxyCommand="sshpass -f ~/.ssh/windows.passwd ssh -W %h:%p jumphost" -l darling |
Setup .ssh/config
1 | ## Keeping SSH Sessions Alive |
Righ model, right tools - the new way of building and collaborating on frontend apps is the core element of Micro Frontends.
Remove backgrounds 100% automatically in 5 seconds with one click. Thanks to clever AI.
Geekbench head to head - Mac vs iPad vs Android:
ARM vs x86 谁是未来,一目了然。
The Apple M1 chip is built for Macs, and the A15 for phones. They use completely different architectures. The A15 prioritizes battery over performance. The M1 has more firepower for graphics.
Step by step:
![Safari Develop menu](/img/Safari Develop.png “Safari Develop menu”)
![Web Inspector](/img/Web Inspector.png “Web Inspector”)
Have you tried GitHub Actions?