First ever half marathon trial

Try the first ever half marathon today - Yarra Boulevard run.

New experience such routine, Yarra Boulevard from suburb Kew to Hawthorn, either by walking or cycling.

Terrible weather condition today, windy and hot. Have to stop several time to get water supplied in case of dehydrated.

After 17km, left leg calf muscles start cramping, force me to reduce the pace. After 19km, right leg calf muscles also start cramping, but I keep moving forward.

New new personal best of Performance Level - 55 after run. Meanwhile, remind me there is limits inside me, but I know I can finish it.

First ever half marathon trialFirst ever half marathon trial

Quotes from Johnnie Walker commercial:

“When the sun came shining and I was strolling and the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling. As the fog was lifting, a voice was chanting, this land was made for you and me.”

“As I was walking that ribbon of highway, I saw above me that endless sky way. I saw below me that golden valley, Esta tierra fue hecha para ti y para mí.”

“I’ve roamed and rambled and I’ve followed my footsteps to the sparkling sands over diamond deserts, and all around me a voice was sounding, this land was made for you and me.”

Keep running!