Alibaba's AI outperforms humans in one of the toughest reading comprehension tests ever created in a remarkable world first

The accuracy of Alibaba's AI is tied to its ability to infer meaning, narrowing down from paragraphs to sentences to words, locating precise phrases that contain potential answers.

In a process known as natural language processing (NLP), machines mimic human comprehension of words and sentences.

The model, which uses the company's Hierarchical Attention Network, is viewed as having strong commercial value, particularly in Asia.

What year did Genghis Khan die?
Human: 1227
Computer: 1227

Which group headlined the Super Bowl 50 half-time show?
Human: Coldplay
Computer: British rock group Coldplay

How many Huguenots fled France by the 1700s?
Human: 500,000
Computer: 500,000

Who designed the Scottish Parliament building?
Human: Enric Miralles
Computer: Spanish architect Enric Miralles