In comparison to Chromium, the things that let Opera down were security features such as sandboxing (it scored no points in this section). WebGL and notifications also suffered. But Opera did come out on top with all the forms tests (115/115 - full marks!).
In comparison to Chromium, the thing that let Firefox down were forms - scoring a lowly 61/115 (Chromium 90/115). It only received one tick under security also.
I'd like to see if IE10 has improved on any of this. In particular support for WebSockets.
Chromium 22.0.1229.94 = 412 + 13 bonus points
Opera 12.12 = 399 + 9 bonus points
Firefox 17.0 = 395 + 10 bonus points
In comparison to Chromium, the things that let Opera down were security features such as sandboxing (it scored no points in this section). WebGL and notifications also suffered. But Opera did come out on top with all the forms tests (115/115 - full marks!).
In comparison to Chromium, the thing that let Firefox down were forms - scoring a lowly 61/115 (Chromium 90/115). It only received one tick under security also.