iPad mini
It takes 30 months and 4 generatons since first release of iPad on April 3rd 2010, Apple finally gets the right size, right weight, right price, right design, right OS, right applications, right market niche, right balanced, almost no annoying public complainted issues, nearly all bugs been fixed iPad delivered ...
The strategy to have, hold and use an Apple product in a longer lifecycle is, ...
Don't buy it.
(DISCLAIMER : Not literally a tonne, but quite heavy)
Never buy product version 1.0! Keep waiting!
After seeing the release of Google's new Nexus line, I'm perhaps a bit disappointed with the Nexus 10. On first glance the Nexus 4 might be my next phone, but maybe I need to look at something else like the Transformer for my tablet.
I'm waiting for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 price to drop.
Further inspection of the specs shows that the Nexus 10 has a far-superior screen to the equivalent Asus model. Looks like a lot of online review reading will be required!
I like Nexus 10 spec. But need a good excuse why I need to buy it. For example, reading tech book while laying on bed?
Keep waiting!