"Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her, and new girlfriend leaves him because of his empty mouth."
This is the typical headline of you-can't-be-serious, right-wing raciness British tabloid Daily Mail.
IN JANUARY the New York Times lost its top spot in comScore’s ranking of the world’s biggest newspaper websites to Britain’s Daily Mail.
New York Times, The Guardian, Huffington Post, and global news outlets: BBC, CNN and Al-Jazeera, as well as the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal and indeed The Economist are in the battle to be biggest reflects a growing phenomenon: national news publications going global.
quite often (even in this idiotic "US-electoral" times) you can come across a decent analysis rather than a certain party side taking "agendas"...
IMHO, the only 'mainstream' outlet worth following and reading these days is, quite surprisingly (for me anyway), FORBES.com...
According to Roy Morgan's survey, the trustworthy of Newspaper Journalists is just below Federal MPs at 11%. I reckon that's the people's response to Herald "Horny" Sun. :-)
Check the full ratings for Ethics and Honesty of professionals: http://www.roymorgan.com/news/polls/2011/4655/ (from 1979 to 2011)
However, there are still a lot good journalists you can fully trust under the market economy and capitalism in action. So I still get mainstream news from Newspaper.
"fully trust" is a very strong sentiment, I'd reserve that for domains other than news/media, mainstream or non-mainstream regardless... ;-))
great link - interesting if "engineers" includes "software engineers"? ;-))
Australia is probably a bit different these days... and probably in a good way... and sure if there is some one you follow for long time and have confidence in their integrity - it's a good thing...
but also, besides integrity per se (or lack thereof) - there is another factor... often not because of being corrupted but because of sincerely believing in one or another side of the argument (or because sincerely backing a party/camp and thus taking the side of the argument 'prescribed' by that respective party.camp) journalists start skewing and stretching/interpreting the facts to match their version of the "truth"...
I guess that's "normal"... just need to keep in mind as the "consumer" to apply own critical thinking and "digest" things on own terms... also helps to hear and analyze the opposite opinions/views... i.e. a having "a balanced diet"...